Friday 25 April 2014

Kate Moss, Eat Your Heart Out...

I've always been interested in the whole process of photoshoots. I find the job of the photographer just as intriguing as the job of the model and the chemistry that must happen between them to create the photographs. I find it fascinating to think how much work and preparation goes into getting that one shot, you know, the 'money shot'. I love everything about it, the styling, the make up, the background, the lighting. I love how everything plays a part to tell the story, to make something from ones imagination come to life in a single frame. Its so creative, there are no limits.
Because of this keen interest, or maybe i'd call it a passion, my boyfriend surprised me with a voucher for a personal photoshoot for my birthday. (he's very original with gifts, puts me to shame). The shoot was with a photographer that I have admired for a while, Kestutis Anuzis. He is a photographer based in Cork city and operates under the name 'Anuzis Photography' (Be sure to check him out on Facebook).

After a couple of messages back and forth with Kest (the photographer) and a meeting at the studio we finally decided on a date and time. (last Thursday)

I have to admit I was a nervous wreck walking up the steps to the studio. Here I was about to step in front of a professional photographer that works with models all the time, not having a clue what to do? But you know what they say, "find what scares you the most, and do it".... So I did!!

I won't rant on too much about everything we did and where we went around the city, I'll just say that I had a fantastic time. It was a whole lot of fun. Kest puts you at ease straight away and makes you feel like you're doing everything right. I didn't want to go in having too much of an idea of what I wanted, because I admired his work so much that I wanted to go to wherever he got inspiration from. So we tried some different locations after doing a little in the studio first of course. I was surprised how little the passers by bothered me and how much of a buzz I got from doing it. I would definitely do it again.

If anyone is looking for something a little different as a gift or even if you have an interest in this sort of a thing yourself, I would definitely recommend contacting 'Anuzis Photography' and schedule a personal photoshoot. I received my pictures yesterday so I guess I'll share a couple of them with you now.

This was my first ever photoshoot so please don't judge too harshly. I am in no way a model and this was totally out of my comfort zone. But I had fun and that's what's important. 
